If you have been asked to create a multi-day, online event, you may want it to be everything a live event should be. But you could also be wondering: should it try to mimic a face-to-face experience? And what does success even look like in this environment? In the past two years, (but starting just …
Month: October 2021
Why New Employees Need to be Gamified, or Else
What’s happening in the workplace to young employees? They seem to operate by a different set of values, showing little interest in company events. Yet, they willingly give time and energy to off-the-job pursuits. How can executives create an environment in which they direct some of that discretionary effort towards their work? “The company’s culture …
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Why New Employees Need to be Gamified, or Else
What’s happening in the workplace to young employees? They seem to operate by a different set of values, showing little interest in company events. Yet, they willingly give time and energy to off-the-job pursuits. How can executives create an environment in which they direct some of that discretionary effort towards their work? “The company’s culture …
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