People Analytics – An Update

You are an HR Professional who is interested in developing your capacity to perform People Analytics. As a visitor to this website, you probably recall our conference from last year on a similar topic.

But what’s going on this year, in 2023?

Well, if you are up for a challenge…we are getting ready to offer you one that is carefully intended to give you a quantum leap.

But for now, just start with an interesting article – McKinsey & Co’s State of Human Capital 2012. We think it’s right on point in many ways in its description of the state of HR in the Caribbean.

Download a copy here – The State of Human Capital 2012—Why the human capital function still has far to go | McKinsey

Once you start reading, you may see why it unlocks certain questions we are interested in answering at this year’s conference…which is being redesigned from the ground up into a new kind of learning experience.

But until then…this article is probably your first piece of homework!

The State of Human Capital 2012—Why the human capital function still has far to go | McKinsey 

Enjoy, and feel free to drop any comments you’d like on Linkedin.


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