2019 Update
Sometimes technology comes to the rescue.
As you may know, many of our region’s organizations are struggling. Recessionary economies are either a recent memory, or a current reality. So is high crime.
As a people, we see a connection between weak companies, corruption, poor leadership, bad management and a host of other symptoms we are trying to get rid of. Those of us who understand know that people and their work (or lack of it), is the factor that lies at the heart of each of these dilemmas.
As Caribbean professionals in human resources we see our role as life-saving. Perhaps even life-giving. When we pull off the unexpected, miracles happen, first on a small scale and then large.
But no matter how well we do within our single countries or territories, size and distance constrain us. It’s a fact of geography that a sea keeps us apart, alone and tiny.
Technology can change that. Case in point: the platform used by CaribHRForum Community was engineered to serve as a bridge.
Today, the state-of-the-art network we use is the best way for you to:
– link with HR professionals who can help you, and want your assistance. With their blend of new and old experiences you never feel alone even if you are the only HR professional in your company.
– learn from a wide cross-section of others with whom you have a lot in common because you want so many of the same things: great leader/managers who work in organizations that empower our countries.
– experience the power of a tribe which recognizes you for who you are, and what you bring to your work, including professionalism, fun and surprises.
– find practical answers you can both contribute and use every day which have their roots right here in the Caribbean. We can truly help ourselves.
It’s just that with this new technology, we can create the kind of connections which produce lasting results. None of us wants another talk shop. This is about HR professionals coming together as one to produce measurable personal, organizational and regional success.