A Full Academy License normally costs US$1650 before discounts. Certificate programs cost US$975.

These are dramatically reduced during the Black Friday sale of 2023.

The Full Academy includes 12 months of access in an All You Can Learn model. You enjoy 12 certificate programs which include over 40 online courses.

Plus, you can take any future programs which are added during the tenure of your Full Academy.

This is the option we recommend at CaribHRForum.

The partnership with CaribHRForum offers 20% everyday discounts via our partner page.

There’s also an additional discount during Black Friday in November of 2023.

Yes, there is a smartphone app available.

All students are assigned to a career coach for each program. Your coach will be available by video or email.

You also enjoy membership in a global learning community, available via a Mighty Networks platform (just like CaribHRForum.)

Also, we intend to launch a Caribbean AIHR Student Group on WhatsApp, led by a program graduate. This will depend on the number who enroll and their level of interest.

All programs are self-paced.

SHRM and HRCI credits have been pre-assigned to each certificate.

There is a 100% guarantee for 60 days.

This means that there is no risk to you for registering now!

Here are links to all AIHR demo programs. (They don’t include access to the coach, student communities, or additional resources). This is a complimentary test-run.

There are six and nine month installment plans available. Contact an AIHR representative for details at [email protected].

At our 2021 and 2022 virtual conferences, we hosted Nyasha Mupfumi from AIHR. He’s been working from us since the very beginning of our partnership and has set some time aside for anyone affiliated with CaribHRForum.

He has promised to be available to help anyone in our region.

From Nov 20th – 27th 2023, AIHR is offering an additional 25% off all their courses. When combined with a 20% discount from CaribHRForum, you can claim a 45% total reduction in price if you make a purchase between those days.

For example, the popular Full Academy License (an all-you-can-learn offering) gives you access for 12 months to all the 12 certificate programs, costs only US$990. (This is the package we recommend.)

(Each certificate program costs $595 with the Black Friday discount, when purchased separately.)