Hello, and welcome to CaribHRForum, the largest interactive network of HR professionals in the Caribbean. I’m Francis Wade, the founder, and I’d like to give you an idea of what to expect as a new member. (If you haven’t joined yet, visit this page and just follow the instructions.)
You’ll immediately start receiving email from our discussion list, the most active part of our network. All of our members are included in each and every email that is sent out with [CaribHRForum] in the subject line.
You can jump in any time and respond to any message by simply hitting return and adding a comment. You won’t see your own message, but trust me, everyone else does!
All the messages are moderated to prevent spammers from making unwelcome visits, so it may take a while for your message to go out and receive a response. You’ll see all the subsequent responses via email.
If at any time you find that the email volume gets to be too much, you have the option of switching over to the Daily Digest version in which you’ll receive a single email each night with all the forum’s activity for the day. We send out instructions every couple of months on to make the switch.
You’ll also receive CaribHRNews which comes out every other week. It’s a compilation of HR news from around the region.
CaribHR.Radio is our bi-weekly radio program that is another one-of-a-kind feature. We feature HR practitioners, trainers, consultants, CEO’s – anyone from around the world who can help us do a better job or give us new insights.
We have an awesome archive of all the shows that have ever been aired. You can access each of the past shows here – http://radio.caribhrforum.com
Take a moment to check things out here on the blog for lengthier pieces that are designed to provoke your thinking.
It’s a lot to see and do, so take your time, and I hope that you enjoy your membership here at CaribHRForum. Francis
P.S. If you are on Facebook, check out the column at the far right and make sure to “Like” CaribHRForum before you close this page!
Hello everyone, allow me to introduce myself, I am a graduate student at Arthur Lok Jack GSB taking the Master’s program in Human Resource Management. I wanted to get your thoughts on Social Media and the impact it has on young professionals; would you agree that Social Media negatively infringes on their development or does it open up opportunities for them?
Hi Alia – I don’t think you introduced yourself on the discussion list – that’s where all the interaction takes place here at CaribHRForum. Just use the pop-up on this page to join.