
CaribHR_Radio 300px

From 2010-2016 the show was quite active, producing 75 episodes in total. They have all been archived – the most recent episodes are highlighted here. (Update: the BlogTalkRadio platform has removed some episodes.)

Listen in to an informative interview with Vincent McHugh on the topics of compensation and benefits. Vincent is the founder of Empsight, a form focusing on this niche in the Florida area.

This episode is a recap of the HRMATT Conference 2015, which featured the prominent guest speaker, Dr. Robert Kaplan. He’s the co-creator of the Balanced Scorecard and the Strategy Map. During the conference, CaribHR.Radio sat down with him and also with T&T presenters Leah deSouza and Maxine Attong.

Listen in to my interview recorded in the summer of 2015 with Dr. Robert Brown, author of Economic Stress – Harsh Truth and Keys to Empowerment. In this conversation he’s out to empower Human Resource Managers in the Caribbean with the ability to help employees deal with economic stress.

It’s a timely interview as even Trinidad’s recession deepens and employees start to feel the impact of the downturn in every single country in the region. It’s a great message and a sound book to use if you want to help your employees continue to be productive.

To find out more about Dr. Brown and his work click here, or read this interview he did with BlackEnterprise Magazine.

Dan Denison is an international consultant and university professor at the IMD in Switzerland. He specializes in the area of culture change and our discussion focuses on the barriers HR professionals face when they attempt to lead a corporate transformation.

Don’t miss this informative show.

For a full listing of all the shows, click here to download the summary document below.