On this, the launch of the new, enhanced CaribHRForum website, it makes sense to review the best practices we have been employing on CaribHRForum.
For NEW members
1. If you have not already logged in as a member of CaribHRForum’s Discussion List, I recommend that you start there. Visit the “Discussions” tab at top, and follow the instructions to join as a member.
2. Spend a few days observing the discussions. If the volume happens to be low, you can get things going by sending a quick introduction of yourself. Simply send email to [email protected] with a short “hello, my name is…, I am from…, I work for….”
3. Observe enough of the conversation to get an idea of the tone, and the tempo. Jump in when you feel confident by sending email to the [email protected] address, or by replying to an email from the discussion list.
4. Tell your friends in the HR profession about CaribHRForum. Invite them to visit this website and to join the Discussion List.
For Existing members
1. You have probably been watching other people send emails back and forth, and chances are you have some of your own opinions. Simply hit reply to an email that you find provocative and participate! Let others know that you exist and that you have a point of view.
2. You probably joined CaribHRForum in order to enhance your own networking skills, and also to build a bigger network, period. The best way to do that is to share your interests with those who are on the list, in a way that makes it clear that you have something unique to say. Trust me… you are already special (in the good way) and anything useful that, you say will assist you in your networking efforts.
3. Visit the archives to view past conversations. The old Yahoo groups that we used to use until we switched over to the fwconsulting server is still available — see http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CaribHRForum/
You can view the current archives by using one of those monthly reminder emails that you receive from the Discussion List with your unique password to follow the link, and click on “View Archives.” You must login to access these archives.
Want Even More?
1. Delve into the regional conversation on the Discussion page. Add your point of view on regional conferences, HRMAC, regional HR certification, etc.
2. Respond by taking one of the volunteer positions in CaribHRForum. Keep checking this blog for more details as they become available.