Downturn or upturn, an engaged workforce is always a critical lead indicator to productivity and the bottom line. In a downturn however, it’s critical for the continued viability, productivity and success of the organization. A downturn is a time of focusing on reviewing costs, improving efficiencies, product and service innovation and finding new ways of...
Month: June 2009
Interview with Tom Crane
Podcast interview with Tom Crane based on the speech he gave to the Jamaica Employer’s Federation Convention in April 2009. Tom is the author of “The Heart of Coaching,” and both his book and work are detailed on his website — Length of time: 34 minutes [audio:CaribHRForumTomCrane.mp3] [email_link]
Leadership and Culture Change
I am a happy subscriber to a newsletter from Peter Koestenbaum, and in a recent message he had this to say about leadership that I thought was quite profound: WHY LEADERSHIP? A good executive can precisely diagnose the needs of an organization. Whatever the diagnosis, the solution universally requires leadership. It demands that a critical...