Competitive pay and benefits can get talent in the door, but can the money keep the talent? When employers demonstrate a commitment to work life balance, commitment to providing career development and training opportunities, with a supportive flexible working environment, caring attitude towards staff and a strong balanced emotionally intelligent management and leadership, they have...
Category: Denise Ali
Employee Buy-in — Balanced Scorecard
How does an organisation gain buy-in and support from the general employee popuation about adopting the BSC? First thing employees want to know, what is in it for me? Different staff levels are interested in varying benefits. The general employees want to know if this system will afford them more money or any added benefits...
Balanced Scorecard Implementation
This is Denise Ali’s first post on CaribHRForum. This article seeks to document and share my experience and knowledge with designing and implementing scorecard systems in organisations. The first order of business before embarking on a scorecard implementation is to conduct a thorough literature review regardless of how much you think you know about the...