Core HR Competencies

picIn a 2007 Human Resource Competency Study (HRCS) undertaken by University of Michigan Professor Dave Ulrich and his colleague Wayne Brockbank, six core competencies were identified for high performing Human Resource professionals.

They are as follows:

1. The Credible Activist – is respected, admired, listened to and offers a point of view, takes a position and challenges assumptions by:
•    Delivering results with integrity
•    Sharing information
•    Building relationships of trust
•    Doing HR with an attitude (taking appropriate risks, providing candid observations, influencing others)
2. The Cultural Steward recognizes, articulates and helps shape a company’s culture by:
•    Facilitating change
•    Crafting culture
•    Valuing culture
•    Personalizing culture (helping employees find meaning in their work, managing work/life balance, encouraging innovation)
3. The Talent Manager/Organizational Designer masters theory, research and practice in both talent management and organizational design by:
•    Ensuring today’s and tomorrow’s talent
•    Developing talent
•    Shaping the organization
•    Fostering communication
•    Designing reward systems
4. The Strategy Architect knows how to make the right change happen by:
•    Sustaining strategic agility
•    Engaging customers
5. The Business Ally contributes to the success of the business by:
•    Serving the value chain
•    Interpreting social context
•    Articulating the value proposition
•    Leveraging business technology
6. The Operational Executor administers the day-to-day work of managing people inside an organization by:
•    Implementing workplace policies
•    Advancing HR technology
A good way to start the New Year would be to speak with your leaders and if you do not already know, find out what traits are most important to them.  Review these against the six competencies, think about your strengths and the competencies that require more focus from you, then discuss with the team to get their ideas. Cheers to a positive 2009!

Bianca Attong

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