Ep 13 –  How to Convince Colleagues Your Company Needs a Long-Term Vision-Strategy

You are someone who is already a long-term thinker, working in a for-profit company. Unlike many, you don’t need to be convinced about the importance of long-term thinking. Somewhere early in the past – childhood, early career – you embedded the idea in your thinking. Now balancing short and long term thinking is a part …

Choosing and Ranking Your Corporate Vision

Similar to most organizations, your company also has a vision or purpose statement. The initial idea was meant to ignite inspiration, but lately, it seems to have lost its allure. What interventions can you implement to foster a collaborative environment and encourage your staff to go above and beyond? And how does this statement support …

How to Find Clarity Amid Workplace Adversity

Navigating professional challenges can feel daunting when your usual methods of coping fail. Friction with colleagues, performance setbacks, economic pressures – these issues can linger and even permeate teams. In times of turbulence, a fresh perspective is needed to build resilience. But where can you start? Author Byron Katie provided just that with her notion …

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