During the HRMAB Conference in Bridgetown last week, I came across a flyer that hinted at a survey being conducted by Queens University IRC in conjunction with the Cave Hill School of Business.
It’s the first of it’s kind – an attempt to gain a snapshot of the HR profession in the Caribbean that will include comparisons to a similar survey done in Canada, and also intra-regional comparisons. That means that for the first time we’ll be able to compare one island’s practice of HR against another.
There is a catch, however. There needs to be sufficient participation in each country in order to make the comparison. So, I’d like to urge you as an HR practitioner with working experience in the region to complete the survey ASAP so that enough data can be gathered to make this interesting!
Here’s the link to the survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CHSBIRCCaribbeanHRSURVEY